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When you open your heart, open your mind and allow yourself to be immersed in the flow of creativity, magic happens. Writing.


NEWS: 16 - Feb - 2023

I’m excited to be shopping for an agent for my novel (women’s fiction) and exploring TV writing


#WTF is Happening With My Life by Jacqueline Cripps

Price (digital): $11.99 AUD. Available on Amazon. Languages: English. Published 2017.

Price (paper): $26.95 AUD. Available in Hard Copy. Languages: English. Published 2017.

L.I.F.E. A simple, four letter word which can pack one hell of a punch.

How many times has LIFE left you asking – or screaming:     

                                  “WHAT THE F*CK ?!”

Why do some people get the best out of life whilst others have their Monopoly boards covered in struggle streets and bullsh*t stations? Family politics, f*cked-up relationships, emotional and mental disorders, whilst dealing with society’s pretentious expectations and social-media obsessions.

#WTF is happening with my life? A guide to getting your sh*t together will help readers make sense of their lives: orientating them on a spiritual path to awesomeness. It will challenge attitudes, shift perspectives and bring forth power

Our Reader Rating 4.5/5.



Smashed Avocado and the Quarter-Life Crisis by Jacqueline Cripps

Price (digital): $11.99 AUD. Available on Amazon. Languages: English. Published 2019.

Price (paper): $15.95 AUD. Available in Hard Copy. Languages: English. Published 2019.

I’m Too Young to Be Having a Crisis. WTF?!

Up to 86 percent of millennials suffer from a quarter-life crisis: a kick in the arse anxiety complex. Is that you? Could that be you? This prologue sets the scene – giving a short, sharp, to-the-point snapshot of what this all means and where you’re currently at. Friend or foe to the QLC, it’s important to know.

Our Reader Rating ?/?.


Jacqueline Cripps



Jacqueline holds degrees in Social Sciences and Psychology and has a genuine love of humanity. With a straight-talking style, Jacqueline teaches others how to empower themselves; by shifting the lens on life, owning issues and moving forward. Jacqueline is paving her path, following her purpose and passion; leading a fulfilling life and sharing her journey, and healing, with others.

What is your story, Jacqueline?

As writers I don’t think we ever really give ourselves the credit we deserve when it comes to our achievements; not least because of our “introverted” selves, but because,  if you’re anything like me, you just do it: it’s part of you.  


When I look back to who I was as a writer, to where I am today, I feel such a huge sense of gratitude. For what I’ve created and are currently creating; for what I’ve learned and continue to learn; for the communities that I’m part of and continue to develop. It really is such a joy. 


As an author, I’ve published two books, with a third due for publication this year (2023). My first novel – which was a delight to write – is ready for an agent and publisher. Currently, I write for various publications around the world, as a columnist, blogger or contributor. 


My author coaching hat I can’t help but wear, especially when I hear of people with new ideas for stories. And my inner ‘editor’ is always looking for ways to improve the narrative or quality of writing, and help others. 


I’ve come to enjoy experimenting with different forms over the last few years – which has led me into creating more poetry and building my skills, including fiction, short stories and screen play. My current projects include working as an associate producer on a documentary and delving into the world of TV writing.  

Feb 2020

Writing has always been a love of mine; so, with that in mind, it seems only natural that at some point, I’d become an author.


Early 2017 marked the birth of my first book #WTF is happening with my life? A guide to getting your sh*t together : an honest, to the point, amusing self help guide for women.


Why this book?


Because life can be a difficult beast to navigate if we don’t understand it. For some of us, there reaches a point where daily questions of ‘What the f*uck?’, become so consuming, so tiring, so depressing, that we have to stop: stop and look at what is actually going on, and why our life is, the way it is.


The essence of this book was born out of sheer desire and passion to help others; to share what I know, and to encourage others to avoid taking the path of resistance through life. And for me, that path had been mastering both the creation of, and surrender into, life’s drama and bullsh*t – and a complete avoidance of taking responsibility for my life. There is merit in the saying, ”You can run, but you can’t hide”, and from a woman who has lived through it, being bitten in the arse hurts (trust me).


We all want to live our best lives and be the best versions of ourselves, but some of us just need a little guidance on how. Which is why I’ve written this book: to show others how.


Contact Me


I can be contacted easily. Please feel free to reach out through social media or email:

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