Flash Fiction Page-3

Managed by Ray Stone
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Competition Page-1 Writing Competition Hints, Tips and Things You Need to Know
Competition Page-2 Short Stories
Flash Flash Flash Flash $$$ 50% of entry fees to win
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Would you like to win a prize for a Flash short story? It’s about time writers had an incentive to enter Flash story-telling. 50% of the entry fees collected will be awarded to the best Flash of any length and genre. Looking at past entries, I have to say some of you, like me, have a weird outlook on life. So come on, scribes, sit over a coffee and write a flash in your lunch break.
The entry fee for this competition is $5 for members and non members. This is a monthly competition. See below for current entries.
Are you ready for the challenge? It’s true we all love to linger over a favourite novel but if it’s 50, 100, 200, 300 or up to 1000 words, a well-crafted story can pack a mighty punch. Even at 100 words a story can zing. It’s all in the showing (and telling), using the ABDCE structure: action, background/ inciting action, development/rising actions, climax, ending (the characters should be significantly different).
See our previous entries BELOW. If you want to get involved with Ray and the members of WWC, join our group for a small cost of $20 a year.
That’s less than $2 a month. Or, if you can't afford to become a member, you can still write Flash Fiction and post it up on the Facebook World Writers Collective group.
Current submission:
Topic : A Funny Flash
WORDS: Any length
Deadline: Dec 30th 2021 - Results January 30th.
First prize is being published on WWC plus 50% of the entry fees collected.
Not a member of WWC? Easy. And cheap. $20 p/ann on-line. Go to the CONTACT tab up top.
About Our Flash Fiction:
The aim is to delight, to chip out a sculpture from a lump of stone. Go for this month’s word limit. We’ll vary the length as we go.
Ian Rankin, the author of the Rebus crime series puts it clearly:
“[Short] Stories are also good ways of experimenting with the narrative voice, structure and method of economy. [..]
There is no place for fat on a story: it has to be lean and fit.” - Ian Rankin
Make the title sweat its short life.
Jump right in. Names may not be necessary.
The denouement should be in the middle. Leave the reader something to think about at the end.
Here are some examples which include 50-100 word pieces:
The New Yorker also has a Flash Fiction page and most of these are a bit longer. Here’s an example:
A final word: writing micro-fiction is for some, like holidaying in a caravan. Refreshing, stimulating for a change. But not for the rest of your life.
Thank you everyone for wanting to contribute.
Magz Morgan.

Which FF stories did you like from the entire list above and below?
Please keep it to words of encouragement so the writers keep enjoying writing, thank you.
(This is not a critiquing space)
This is for everyone's use
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What was your favourite FF story and why?
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Flash Fiction Submissions - July 2019
Not So Cocky Now - CR

Choice Cuts - MM

Flash Fiction Submissions - June 2019
Nameless - MC

Surprise - AJB
Suffocating - CR
Prick of Conscience- MM

Message - SA
Flash Fiction Submissions - October 2019
coming Soon - AA

coming Soon - AA
coming Soon - AA
coming Soon - AA

coming Soon - AA